Whale Cay Chart.- two sources

This is the end of the island which looks like a whale. But how did the passage get it's name? Nobody is certain. It made me think about Maine when whales were abundant.
This is part of an abandoned resort where large cruise ships used to frequent. In front you can see one of the markes indicated on the chart. There are not many markers in the Abacos.

Nautically, one of the "passages" that everyone talks about on the cruisers net in the morning in the Whale Cay passage. It essentially puts you in the Atlantic Ocean for a 20 minute ride. If it is rough in other spots the Wale can be really bad. If it is a calm day that is your chance to go through. We passed Green Turtle Cay, then the Whale on our way to the Marsh Harbor and I thought it was interesting enough to take a few shots.
For nautical markers, you are not going to find many. There are a few pilings that most cruising guides have locations recorded. But there is one marker that is known to be about two feet below the surface, so exercise caution when going through.

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