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Monday, May 30, 2016

Copenhagen road trip

Sue has already published lots of pictures of Skodshoved Havn.  I should explain that this is the Marina where Ariel spent the winter in the care of Norbjaerg’s Boat Yard.  Lars and his wife are a delightful couple pictured here outside their marine store.   I arrived Copenhagen on April 24th to put Ariel back in the water and get her ready for the summer, there was plenty to do.  The first two weeks were bitterly cold and windy and one day it snowed.  But before Sue arrived on May 9th she was back in the water with the newly washed sails on, the head fixed and the bimini frame repainted plus a host of smaller items.  The weather changed overnight to brilliant sunshine and 70 degrees and then back again to wind, rain and 40 degrees.   We stayed in the marina and did last minute shopping at the grocery store and IKEA while we still had the rental car but the ocean called and we cast our lines off on May 18th and headed North.

The Norbjaerg’s Lars and his wife

You can see lower green mark where Skovshoved Harbor is , straight above is Helsingor, and the other green mark is Gillelje Harbor.  We drove there by car to look at both harbors before going out by  boat. Gillelje was great for buying fish but too crowded for Ariel 
Gilleje Harbor bike shop

The crowded harbor

Many restaurants, tourist shops, bakeries, ice cream, and a great fish store.

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